My Portfolio

Raising 3 littles really puts in to perspective how fast time passes. Over the past few years, it has become clear to me just how important photographs are. I’ve always enjoyed capturing the perfect picture and it wasn’t until September 2020 that I became a Stay-at-home-Mom and was able to start dedicating time towards photography.

On a walk down our driveway in October, our kids were so enamored by the beautifully colored fallen leaves and I had to capture that moment. Each one of our kids were interested in a different leaf based on its kind, color, shape or size. We are all so different and unique just like all of the fallen leaves and in that I found so much beauty, the same beauty I aim to capture in each of my sessions.

In November I did an outdoor maternity shoot for my sister-in-law, what I consider my first real session. The deep autumn colors of all of the leaves matched perfectly with her black lacy dress and we were all thrilled with how they turned out. That’s how my photography journey started, my 3 kiddos playing in the leaves and a beautiful momma to be projecting all of her glow amongst the fall atmosphere. I’m a lover of nature and a believer of its healing properties. That is how 3leafphotography came to be.

I can’t wait to work with you!